Sunday, February 10, 2013

Ava's Headband AND The Many Faces of Ava

Loooook!! I got out my digital camera and charged it!! Better pictures finally. Some of these are digital camera pics, some are cell phone pics.

There are two wonderful organizations that have sent Ava care items for her upcoming surgery and recovery. The first is the Cranio Angel Network. They make little pirate hats for boys to wear post surgery and headbands for the girls to wear post surgery. The idea is to help camoflauge the healing incision and keep little fingers off! The other organization is Cranio Care Bears. They sent Ava a care package stuffed (seriously, I couldn't get it all back in) full of toys, hospital items like ibuprofen, lotion, tissues, mints, granola bars, a set of zipper pjs and a warm hat, and my favorite, a prayer chain. Each link on this chain is fabric, with a hand written affirmation or prayer on it. Simply amazing. We'll be hanging this over Ava's bed in the hospital.

We've also been gifted with so many thoughtful and generous care items and cards for Ava over the past few days. People are amazing. It's easy to become convinced that the world is no longer full of decent people if all you do is read Yahoo and watch the evening news. But when you look around, I hope that all of you find that your world is as full as ours is of awesome people with big ol hearts. It's a good thing to know. :)


  1. She's a baby doll! Prayed for her this morning and will continue to do so.

  2. She is so beautiful! We'll be praying hard for her!

  3. What kind of cranio does she have? My son has metopic, but so far is non surgical, and is almost 2. They are still watching him, and he has appointments every few months. Who is her cranio doc? We go to Dr. Muzaffar in Columbia, MO. Cranio is a never ending worry my prayers are with you. My son was in a helmet and had to do the sedated CT at 6 months. He wore it for 4 months. I still worry every day that since he's NOT having surgery, will he be ok...

    1. Hi Angela,
      Ava has Right Unicoronal Craniosynostosis. How wonderful your son's cranio is nonsurgical. I hope it remains that way. We see Dr. Patel and Dr. Smyth at the St. Louis Children's Hospital. I'm sorry your son had to go through the helmet therapy; I can't imagine how that must've been for you all. Don't worry, keep faithful that God has your son on the right path, and trust that mommy instinct!!
